That’s why we use only the highest quality materials and products. We are also dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible service. So, you can be sure that your new windshield will be just as good as the original.

Windshield Replacement Service in Lehi, Utah For Residential Vehicles
Residential vehicles typically need windshield replacement service every five to seven years. The exact timeframe will depend on the type of windshield, the amount of sunlight exposure, and the level of impact from debris and stones.
Windshield Replacement Service In lehi For Commercial Vehicles

When to Replace Your Windshield
When to Replace Your Windshield

1. Pre-installation
Before we start installing a new glass, pre-inspection of a vehicle will be done and photos will be taken. Why? Our technicians will make sure to protect the exterior and interior. We ensure a proper and secure fit for the new windshield. Also, we prevent any water or debris from entering the vehicle during the replacement process.

2. Installation of a new windshield
We will remove the old windshield. We also clean the surface of the car where the windshield will be installed so that there is no dirt or debris that could interfere with the adhesive. Once the area is clean, we apply a generous amount of adhesive to the surface and carefully set the new windshield in place.

3. Finishing up
After the new glass is installed, the urethane will proceed to cure. During this time, it is important to keep the area clean and free of debris. Once the curing process is complete, the interior vacuum and high-touch areas will be sanitized again. It will ensure that this area is safe for occupants and that the air quality is not compromised.

4. Final inspection
As the pre-inspection, a post-installation inspection will be done. It should make sure there are no issues with the new windshield and also the vehicle is clean.

Reliability and Experience You Can Count On
Our team of certified professionals is experts in our field, and they will take the time to make sure your windshield is replaced correctly. We’re also committed to offering the most competitive prices in the industry. If you’re looking for an affordable and reliable Windshield Replacement Service in Lehi, look no further than 2nd Chance Auto Glass.