Can Your Windshield Crack From Cold? Here’s What You Need to Know

When the temperature outside starts to drop, there’s a good chance you might see a few cracks in your windshield. But can the windshield crack from cold? And if so, what can you do to prevent them? Here’s what you need to know.

windshield crack from cold weather

What Causes Cracks and Chips in Winter?

There are a few reasons why windshield cracks and chips happen more often during the winter months. Windshield wiper blades tend to freeze up when sitting overnight in sub-zero temperatures. When the blades thaw out the next morning, they can cause small chips or scratches on your windshield as they swipe away ice and snow. And if you’re one of the many Utahns who drive without windshield wipers in winter, your car’s frost-heated pavement can kick up all kinds of debris on the roadways. If you spot any of these nasties (i.e., rocks or asphalt) when driving, your chances for damage are even greater.

Understanding the Damage Cold Weather Can Do

When temperatures drop below freezing, water vapor that forms into ice will stick to your windshield. This is bad news because as the ice continues to build up, it can cause small chips or dings on your windshield. As for windshield cracks themselves—those are usually caused by very large temperature differences within a short amount of time. When this happens, the glass of your windshield will expand and contract, causing little fissures. This is why you’ll often notice cracks on the top or bottom part of your windshield where it meets the dashboard.

Can Salt Cause Cracks in My Windshield?

Yes, if you live in an area that uses salt to clear roads during snowstorms, then there’s a chance that the salt could end up on your windshield. Salt is corrosive, which means it can eat away at glass over time, causing small chips or cracks to form. It’s important to get these little nicks fixed right away so they don’t grow into larger problems down the road.

The Best Way to Prevent Your Windshield From Cracking During Winter

One of the best ways to protect your windshield from breaking during winter is to get it properly inspected, especially if you haven’t had it checked in a while. At 2nd Chance Auto Glass, our technicians are trained to look for damage that may be caused by the cold weather so they can fix any problems before they turn into full-blown windshield cracks.

You can’t prevent all damage during the winter months, but you can reduce your chances of seeing cracks on your windshield. Making sure your windshield wipers are in good condition will go a long way toward protecting them from frost and ice build-up. You might want to consider storing snow brush with a built-in scraper in your car this winter, too. And of course, make sure to get your windshield inspected regularly to ensure it’s in good shape all year long.

What Can I Do About My Windshield?

The most important thing you can do if you notice small cracks in your windshield is to get them fixed right away. Waiting to fix these problems will only make them worse, requiring more extensive repairs down the line. Cracks are caused by damage on the inside of the glass itself, so repairing them means removing particles from between the layers of glass. This creates the perfect opportunity for future damage to form, turning a small chip into something much bigger and more expensive to repair.

After your windshield is repaired, it’s important that you take preventative measures so your new repairs don’t get damaged again next winter. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure your windshield wipers are in good shape. They should be able to clear rain, snow, and ice from your windshield without damaging it or causing further damage with their blades.

How Do Windshield Repair Shops Fix Cracks?

Repair shops can fix cracks in a variety of ways. The method they choose will depend on the size of the crack and how it formed. Small, spiderweb-like cracks can be filled with a resin that’s injected into the cracks through tiny holes in the glass. Once the resin sets, these cracks are sealed up and shouldn’t cause any more problems.

Repairing larger chips or cracks often requires removing the layer of glass that’s damaged. If it’s a large enough crack, then there may be two or more layers that need to be removed and replaced with new glass. The technicians repairing your windshield will use special tools to grind away any damage so they can replace it with clear, transparent glass. After each layer is repaired, the resin is injected to seal up the cracks and prevent future damage.

How Long Does Windshield Repair Take?

The length of time it takes to repair a crack or chip will depend on its size and how deep it penetrates the glass. Small spiderweb-like cracks may take as little as 20 minutes to repair, while deeper cracks can take an hour or more.

It’s important to note that windshield cracks can often be repaired in less time than it takes for the resin to dry. Be sure to ask your repair shop how long you’ll have to wait before you can get back on the road so you don’t cause further damage by opening up your car door or putting on your seatbelt.

How We Can Help!

At 2nd Chance Auto Glass, we offer comprehensive windshield repair services to get you back on the road quickly and safely. Our technicians are trained to look for damage that may be caused by cold weather like cracks in your windshield, so they can take care of these minor problems before they turn into much larger issues. For more information about 2nd Chance Auto Glass or if you’re interested in our auto glass repair services, please call (801) 310-5692 or visit us online for estimates and quotes.